circadian rhythm test

Circadian Rhythm Test: Unlocking Your Body’s Clock For Better Health

If you want more energy or to fall asleep faster at night, your body’s internal clock, the circadian rhythm test, comes into play. When you align with it, you’ll experience a boost in energy, improved sleep, increased productivity, and better mental and physical health.

However, understanding the timing of your circadian rhythm can be complicated. Fortunately, simple tests are available to help you discover the optimal timing of your body clock. By taking these tests, you can unlock the potential of your circadian rhythm, allowing you to make the most out of your energy levels and well-being.


Circadian Rhythms


Our bodies operate on 24-hour circadian rhythms, functioning quietly in the background to carry out essential processes. The sleep-wake cycle, a well-known circadian rhythm, is particularly crucial.

Various body systems follow synchronized circadian rhythms guided by a biological clock in the brain. This internal clock is responsive to environmental cues, especially light, connecting circadian rhythms to the day-night cycle.

An adequately aligned circadian rhythm promotes consistent and rejuvenating sleep. Disruptions to this rhythm, however, can lead to significant sleep issues like insomnia. Ongoing research suggests that circadian rhythms are vital to physical and mental health. Discovering and understanding your circadian rhythm through tests can be essential for maintaining overall well-being.


Understanding Your Circadian Rhythm: What Sets Your Body’s Clock?


circadian rhythm test


Our internal clock operates roughly in the 24-hour cycle, regulating vital functions like the sleep-wake cycle, hormone production, and body temperature fluctuations. At the helm is the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), the master clock in our brains in the hypothalamus. This central pacemaker coordinates with peripheral clocks in various tissues and organs, such as the gut, immune system, and liver.

The SCN aligns with the light-dark cycle of the outside world, collaborating with peripheral clocks to guide optimal times for activities like eating, sleeping, and alertness. Despite its importance, the circadian rhythm isn’t fixed; it responds to signals from the outside world, known as zeitgebers or time givers.

Key zeitgebers include light (the most potent cue), eating, and exercising. Exposure to these cues can reinforce or shift your circadian rhythm earlier or later, a process known as entrainment. Understanding the phase-response curve (PRC) reveals the relationship between zeitgebers and their impact on circadian rhythms, highlighting specific times when shifts occur.

For instance, morning sunlight signals daytime and alertness, while bright evening light can push back your circadian rhythm, potentially disrupting sleep. When circadian rhythms fall out of sync with daily activities, as seen in irregular sleep patterns or night shifts, it can lead to issues like poor sleep, low energy, and increased health risks, including obesity, depression, heart disease, and cancer.

Regular circadian rhythm tests are essential for optimizing daily routines and ensuring well-being. Understanding and adapting to your body’s natural clock can enhance overall health and mitigate potential risks associated with circadian rhythm disruptions.


Chronotypes and Your Circadian Rhythm 


Determining whether you lean towards being an early bird or a night owl is often intuitive, known as your chronotype. This natural tendency influences when you naturally prefer to sleep, wake up, and be alert during the day.

If you’re an early chronotype (a morning type or lark), your circadian rhythm leans towards earlier timings. Everything, including your sleep-wake cycle, tends to occur earlier in the 24-hour cycle. On the other hand, if you’re an evening chronotype (also known as a night owl), your circadian rhythm tends to skew later, resulting in a sleep-wake cycle that aligns with the later part of the 24-hour cycle.

While factors like age and genetics contribute to your chronotype, research suggests that you can still adjust the timing of your circadian rhythm. For instance, a study showed that exposure to natural light for a week shifted the circadian rhythms of night owls earlier, resembling those of early birds.

Approximately 40% of people fall into either morning or evening chronotypes, while the remaining population falls somewhere between. Discovering your chronotype can be done through a circadian rhythm test, helping you better understand your natural preferences and optimize your daily routines accordingly.


Other Rhythms 


Life has its own set of natural rhythms, and they’re not as complex as they may seem:

Circadian Rhythms

These are the roughly 24-hour patterns governing our sleep-wake cycle and body temperature changes.

Diurnal Rhythms

Synced with the day-night cycle, diurnal rhythms follow each day’s natural ebb and flow.

Ultradian Rhythms

Shorter in duration, ultradian rhythms include cycles within our sleep stages (like REM and non-REM) and the regular rise and fall in energy and productivity occurring over about 90 minutes.

Infradian Rhythms

Extended beyond 24 hours, infradian rhythms cover longer cycles, such as the monthly menstrual cycle.

Understanding and harmonizing with these rhythms can significantly impact our well-being. Exploring your natural patterns through methods like a circadian rhythm test can shed light on optimizing daily routines and achieving better overall balance.


Discovering the Benefits of Undergoing a Circadian Rhythm Test


Beyond the enjoyment of a little experiment, engaging in a circadian rhythm test offers several practical benefits.

Discovering your circadian timing unveils valuable insights:

Optimizing Sleep Patterns

Knowing when your body naturally leans towards sleep and wakefulness allows you to align your sleep-wake cycle, facilitating easier bedtime routines and ensuring sufficient sleep. Meeting your genetically determined sleep needs enhances energy levels and improves overall health, focus, and mood.

Maximizing Daytime Energy

Identifying periods of heightened energy during the day empowers you to schedule crucial tasks, boosting productivity and efficiency.

Holistic Circadian Alignment

Syncing your daily activities, including sleep and meals, with your body’s natural rhythm can reduce the risk of health issues such as weight gain, digestive problems, diabetes, depression, and ADHD. Continuous research emphasizes the impact of circadian misalignment on hormones and metabolism, highlighting the importance of staying attuned to your body’s cues.

Chronotherapy Benefits

Applying circadian rhythm insights to chronotherapy enhances the effectiveness of medication while minimizing side effects. For instance, understanding the optimal times for flu shots (preferably in the morning) or COVID-19 vaccines (between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.) can improve their efficacy.

A circadian rhythm test goes beyond curiosity, offering practical advantages for better sleep, increased energy, and overall well-being.


Methods for Assessing Circadian Rhythm


Curious about your circadian rhythm timing. Explore a couple of ways to test for it.

Maintain a Sleep Journal

Testing your circadian rhythm can be done by maintaining a sleep and energy log for at least seven days, preferably 14 days. This method, often used by clinicians to diagnose circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders (CRSWD), is accessible at home.

Here’s how you can go about it:

Natural Sleep and Wake Times

Try going without an alarm for a week or two, taking note of your natural sleep and wake times.

Alertness and Energy Levels

Throughout the day, jot down when you feel most alert and focused and when your energy seems lower.

While this method provides insight into your chronotype and rough circadian rhythm timings, there are some drawbacks:

  • Challenges with Alarm-Free Week: It can be difficult to go without an alarm for an entire week, let alone two.
  • Determining Causes of Late Bedtime: Identifying whether a late bedtime is due to a night owl tendency or other factors like screen time or excessive coffee intake can be challenging.
  • Accuracy Issues: Pinpointing the exact time you fall asleep each night can be inaccurate.
  • Limited Information: The method may not offer comprehensive information beyond rough sleep times and energy patterns.

Moreover, a one-time discovery may be less valuable as circadian rhythms can change. To truly benefit, understanding your circadian rhythm daily allows better planning of your days and nights to align with your natural rhythm.

Take an Online Quiz or Survey 

Discovering the timing of your circadian rhythm is now as easy as taking an online quiz or survey, promising quick results with just a few clicks. Like keeping a sleep log, these quizzes often inquire about your sleep times, alertness levels, and daily activities during your days off.

Some more official surveys employed in scientific research include:

Munich Chronotype Questionnaire

This survey calculates your chronotype based on your sleep midpoint, the middle of your sleep times.

Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire

This survey assesses your preferences regarding sleep, exercise, and meal times, providing a score indicating your position on the morning to evening type scale.

While these quizzes and surveys don’t precisely measure circadian rhythms, they indicate whether your natural tendencies lean towards early or late timing.

However, they share common challenges with self-maintained sleep logs:

  • Reliance on Self-Reported Data: Accuracy can be compromised as the data relies on personal reporting.
  • Difficulty Identifying External Factors: Determining if external factors like coffee or screen time affect your sleep or if you inherently lean towards being a night owl can be challenging.
  • Limited Practical Information: While you learn if you’re more of a morning or evening person, the practical information gained is relatively limited.

Get Tested in a Lab

You can undergo scientific measurements in a lab to gain a more in-depth understanding of your circadian rhythm. This method involves assessing various markers of your circadian rhythm, including:

  1. Core Body Temperature
  2. Melatonin Levels
  3. Cortisol Levels
  4. Sleep Times via polysomnographic recording, capturing brain waves, heart rate, and breathing.
  5. Activity Levels are monitored through a wearable device.
  6. Dim Light Melatonin Onset (DLMO): The moment melatonin production begins, usually about two hours before your biological bedtime.
  7. A blood test, though it has yet to be widely available, measures circadian rhythm using biomarkers from a blood draw.

However, opting for a circadian rhythm test in a lab has its challenges:

  • Expense and Insurance Coverage: Lab visits can be costly and often not covered by insurance.
  • Time-Consuming: The process can be time-consuming.
  • Reliability Concerns: The reliability can be compromised if self-reported data, like sleep logs or activity diaries, is utilized.
  • Practicality Issues: The need for frequent lab visits is not practical for most individuals wanting to monitor their circadian rhythm regularly.


How do I adjust and improve my circadian rhythm?


Your circadian rhythm operates constantly in the background, but there are instances where you may fall out of sync with it, known as circadian misalignment. This can happen if:

  • You work night shifts or rotating shifts.
  • You experience social jetlag, going to sleep later on days off compared to work days.
  • Your lifestyle conflicts with your chronotype, such as being a night owl with an early work schedule.

When your circadian rhythm is disrupted, it can lead to difficulties falling asleep, daytime sleepiness, reduced focus, and adverse health effects.

To reset your circadian rhythm and align it with your daily life, consider the following steps:

  1. Gradual Sleep Adjustments: Shift your wake and bedtimes gradually, moving them by 15 to 30 minutes earlier or later based on your desired direction.
  2. Sync Meal and Exercise Times: Adjust meal and exercise times in alignment with your sleep cycle.
  3. Early Bright Light Exposure: Get exposure to bright light early in the day to signal your circadian rhythm and synchronize it with the external world.
  4. Limit Evening Light: Avoid bright light before bedtime to improve your chances of falling asleep at the desired time, as evening light can push back your circadian rhythm.
  5. Melatonin Supplements: If needed, consider melatonin supplements as a last resort to shift your sleep schedule.

Additionally, tailored advice is available for specific situations, including resetting your circadian rhythm, overcoming jet lag, resetting your sleep schedule, and transitioning to becoming a morning person or adjusting your circadian rhythm earlier.


What Are Circadian Rhythm Disorders


Changes in sleep or work schedules can disrupt your circadian rhythm, but sometimes a disorder, often influenced by sleep and work patterns, maybe the culprit.

Common circadian rhythm disorders encompass:

Delayed Sleep-Wake Phase Disorder

Characterized by abnormally delayed sleep, causing chronic and severe sleep loss, out of sync with the external light-dark cycle.

Advanced Sleep-Wake Phase Disorder

Involves abnormally advanced sleep timing, leading to chronic and severe sleep loss, deviating from the natural light-dark cycle.

Shift Work Sleep Disorder

Occurs when shift work disrupts the circadian rhythm, resulting in sleepiness during work hours and alertness when sleep is necessary.

Jet Lag Disorder

Experienced when traveling across time zones, causing a delay in adjusting your body clocks to the new time.

Non-24-Hour Sleep-Wake Disorder

Primarily affecting blind individuals who lack light signaling to their SCN (suprachiasmatic nucleus), leading to a gradual shift in their sleep cycle.

Irregular Sleep-Wake Rhythm Disorder

Characterized by a lack of pattern in the sleep schedule, often involving several naps within 24 hours. This disorder is commonly observed in individuals with Alzheimer’s or a brain injury.

Consulting with a doctor is advisable if you suspect a circadian rhythm disorder. They can guide behavioral changes and suggest treatment options, including melatonin supplements and light therapy.


How to Sustain a Well-Balanced Circadian Rhythm?


Once you’ve identified and adjusted your circadian rhythm to align with your lifestyle, the next step is to ensure its continual harmony. This supports your overall health and enhances the quality of your sleep and energy levels.

Here’s a guide on how to maintain a healthy circadian rhythm:

Consistent Sleep Pattern

  • Establish a sleep schedule that suits your routine and adhere to it consistently, even on days off.

Morning Light Exposure

  • Signal your circadian rhythm by getting exposure to natural light in the morning.
  • Aim for at least 10 minutes of light soon after waking up, extending to 15-20 minutes if it’s overcast or light is received through a window.

Daytime Light Exposure

  • Increase light exposure during the day to reduce sensitivity to evening light.
  • Work near a window, take outdoor walks during lunch and incorporate outdoor workouts.

Evening Light Avoidance

  • Dim the lights about 90 minutes before bedtime.
  • Consider using blue-light-blocking glasses for optimal sleep preparation.

Regular Meal Times

  • Eat meals at consistent times throughout the day.
  • Avoid eating too close to bedtime, as it can influence the timing of your circadian rhythm.

Melatonin Window Bedtime

  • Identify your Melatonin Window each day and aim to go to bed within this one-hour timeframe.

Sleep Hygiene Practices

  • Follow good sleep hygiene habits, including early light exposure and avoiding light, caffeine, and large meals late in the day.
  • Utilize tools like RISE to guide you through personalized sleep hygiene habits based on your circadian rhythm.

Optimize Energy Peaks and Dips

  • Schedule challenging tasks during peak alertness periods (usually morning and early evening).
  • Reserve more manageable tasks or breaks for natural energy dips in the afternoon.
  • By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can effectively nurture and make the most of your circadian rhythm.




In conclusion, undergoing a circadian rhythm test is like unlocking the hidden secrets of your body’s internal clock, offering insights that pave the way for better health and well-being. By delving into the nuances of your natural sleep-wake cycle, this test becomes a valuable tool for tailoring your lifestyle to sync harmoniously with your circadian rhythm. It’s not just about identifying potential circadian rhythm disorders; it’s about empowering yourself to make intentional choices that can enhance the quality of your sleep, elevate your energy levels, and contribute to overall health. Consistency in sleep patterns, strategic exposure to light, mindful meal timings, and adopting effective sleep hygiene practices are all integral components of maintaining a robust circadian rhythm. As we navigate the daily demands of life, the circadian rhythm test emerges as a key to unlocking a balanced and fulfilling journey toward better health and vitality.




1. What is a circadian rhythm test?

A circadian rhythm test is like a peek into your body’s internal clock. It helps understand your natural sleep-wake cycle for better health.

2. Why should I take a circadian rhythm test?

Taking the test unlocks insights into your body’s rhythm, aiding in personalized adjustments for improved sleep, increased energy, and overall well-being.

3. How does the circadian rhythm test work?

The test examines your sleep patterns, light exposure, and daily habits, providing a roadmap to align your lifestyle with your body’s circadian rhythm.

4. What benefits can I expect from the circadian rhythm test?

By harmonizing with your circadian rhythm, you can enjoy enhanced sleep quality, elevated energy levels, and a healthier lifestyle tailored to your body’s natural clock.

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